Sectorvision Accountancy market

Navigating consolidation: entrepreneurship as a powerful strategy

This week, we released our latest sector vision for the accountancy market offering a fresh perspective that of entrepreneurship. While the sector often frames growth as a choice between "eat or be eaten," we also see inspiring examples of entrepreneurs who chart their own course. These business leaders build impressive companies through their own strength, focusing on strong autonomous growth, independent of mergers, acquisitions, or private equity or only relying on them to a limited extent.

In this sector vision, we share five remarkleble stories of entrepreneurs who are making a difference in the accountancy sector. They demonstrate how entrepreneurship the driving force behind growth, innovation, and transformation within the industry. We hope these stories inspire you and encourage you to take action—to shape the future of your own business with the same determination and creativity.

Download the sector vision for free. 

This sector vision is an exclusive publication by BHB Dullemond. You can request the latest and previous editions for free by filling out the form below.