b"INTERVIEW GERT TIMMERMANS | DIRECTEUR OPERATIONS ZICHT ADVISEURSThe future of the binder channel lies in customisationGert Timmermans has a long history within the intermediary sector. After selling his insurance agency to Mees Group, he spent over fifteen years working in various executive roles there. It was in 2006 that he first met Edwin Bosma, who was then serving as an Investment Manager for the Board of Directors. Since 2015, Timmermans has been serving as the Director of Operations at Zicht Adviseurs. We asked him about his vision for the binder channel.BLESSING IN DISGUISE CUSTOMIZATION AND INNOVATION AS TRUMP Timmermans says, 'A few years ago, theCARDS FOR BINDER COMPANIESrelationship between insurers and binderTimmermans continues, 'Advocating for the companies was far from good. In fact, thereinterests of customers is a specialized skill were expectations that the intermediary/binderdeeply ingrained in the DNA of intermediaries. channel would have no future. However, in 2023,Throughout the entire insurance chain, that scenario is completely off the table. Insurersintermediaries have the best understanding of and binder companies have reconnected and seethe customer, and their knowledge is crucial for each other as important collaborative partners.product innovations. That is why intermediaries The success within the binder channel is alsoare a vital pillar for insurers, and insurers strive reflected in the total premium volume, whichto provide them with products that truly assist grew from 4.1 billion in 2021 to 4.3 billion inthem. However, due to compliance regulations, 2022. Both parties are achieving good returnsinsurers have less flexibility to work dynamically. once again. The renewed collaboration betweenBinder companies can fill this gap effectively and insurers and binder companies demonstrates theare increasingly focused on delivering customized creation of a sustainable business model for thesolutions to customers. That is where the future future. Ultimately, this is beneficial for the endlies. customer.BHB DULLEMOND"