b'INTERVIEW KEES DULLEMOND | FOUNDER DULLEMOND BEDRIJFSADVIES25 years of progress in business within the insurance marketHoogland \'98, men in grey suits, the aroma of freshly brewed filter coffee, and the latest technological marvel "the fax." These are all part of the picture that Kees Dullemond paints when reflecting on the time he founded Dullemond Business Advisory. Kees Dullemond, the founder of BHB Dullemond, takes a look back 25 years ago. We delve into topics such as entrepreneurship, the evolution of the M&A industry within the insurance market, and the significance of a sustainable deal for both buyers and sellers.ADVANCEMENTS IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP implications for insurance intermediaries. Banks Kees Dullemond: \'The strength of reflecting onand insurers were making substantial investments your history lies in recognizing where you camein insurance agencies, and intermediaries needed from. The differences between BHB Dullemondassistance in navigating this landscape. To excel in in 1998 and its current state in 2023 are immense.our work, I sought out highly skilled professionals Picture this: digitalization was still in its infancy,with a minimum of a higher professional fax machines were considered a luxury, andeducation or university degree. Edwin Bosma was transactions were conducted in guilders. Backthe first M&A Consultant I brought on board. A then, we were dealing with amounts of 200,000crucial foundation of our company then, as well guilders, whereas today, BHB Dullemondas today, lies in building a team of exceptional sells companies with transaction values of 20quality that aims to elevate the M&A profession to million euros. Change is an integral part ofnew heights within the insurance market. Looking every successful business. The better you canat where BHB Dullemond stands today, I can strategically embrace these changes and turnconfidently say that we have succeeded in that them into positive outcomes, the more effectivelyendeavor!\' you can propel your company forward. Looking at the success of BHB Dullemond then and now,EXPANDING THE PIE TOGETHERour motto remains the same: we rise to the\'Despite the numerous changes that have taken occasion when faced with change, we innovate,place over the past 25 years, it is remarkable to we adapt, and we explore new avenues. We did itobserve that certain values from that era still 25 years ago, and we continue to do so now andhold true within the fabric of our company. Two in the future because that\'s how BHB Dullemondyears after the establishment of Dullemond thrives.\' Business Advisory, I embarked on a mediation training. It was during this training that I learned ELEVATING THE M&A INDUSTRY WITHIN THEthe importance of genuinely understanding the INSURANCE MARKET interests of others when in conflict or negotiation. Dullemond continues: "Twenty-five yearsThis approach has remained fundamental to BHB ago, I founded Dullemond Business Advisory,Dullemond. By focusing on cooperation rather becoming the first certified broker/appraiserthan confrontation, we create more opportunities specializing in insurance agencies and portfoliosfor mutually beneficial outcomes, effectively in the Netherlands. During that period, I foresawexpanding the pie. Our commitment to a the developments that would have significantsustainable deal ensures benefits for both buyers and sellers!\' concludes Dullemond.ANNIVERSARY EDITION 17'