b"People and business require assistance with their financial planning and making financial decisionsRecent economic and societal developments have had a significant impact on the financial well-being of a large number of individuals. Responsible financial behavior in households and businesses is more relevant than ever. We spoke with Roger van der Linden, Chairman of Adfiz and board member of MKB Netherlands, about the role that independent advisors can play in improving the financial well-being of people and businesses.FINANCIAL VULNERABILITY HIGH-YIELD COLLABORATIONSVan der Linden: 'Last year, six out of tenThe retreating government calls for self-households were financially unhealthy orsufficiency, but consumers and businesses have vulnerable, compared to 50% in 2021. Only halfyet to take action. They fail to recognize their lack of all households can pay all their bills withoutof knowledge and overestimate their financial difficulties. These are alarming (growth)figuresabilities. As a result, the urgency to engage an for a country like the Netherlands, which ranksadvisor is absent. Government assistance is among the top five richest countries in the world.necessary in this regard, with the government A large group of Dutch citizens lacks awarenessviewing advisors as part of the solution rather of the financial consequences of their actions.than a problem. For example, the government Additionally, low financial literacy poses acould subsidize financial advice for certain challenge to financial self-sufficiency.' groups of people or make advisory costs tax-deductible. Additionally, intermediaries could EXPANDING THE ADVISORY ROLE TOWARDSestablish collaborations with employers and FINANCIAL PLANNING occupational health service providers. Employees Van der Linden continues: 'People and businesses,facing financial problems impose significant costs therefore, need support in their financial planningon employers, such as productivity loss and and decision-making. Financial advisors who haveabsenteeism expenses. By setting up various types successfully embraced this role provide adviceof collaborations, swift and effective steps can from a broad perspective. Financial well-being isbe taken to improve the financial well-being of not only about income but also about expenses,households and businesses. Collaborations that borrowing, saving, and anticipating the future. It'syield high returns in various areas,' says Van der about offering more than just selling individualLinden.financial productsit's about providing a unique and personalized financial plan that addresses and prevents financial problems. Various studies have demonstrated that it is the advisor who improves people's financial behaviour.'AANNNNIVIVEERRSSAARRYY E EDDITITIOIONN"