b"SEQUEL FEMKE BAKKERDO NO HARM conditions. In our CSR policy, we strive to have a holistic perspective, resulting in a harmonious AND DO GOOD combination of doing no harm and doing good!' THE SOCIETAL ROLE OF A FINANCIAL ADVISOR IS ENORMOUS.'I often speak with entrepreneurs from insurance This year, a major sustainability event involvingagencies who want to contribute to a more all 370 employees is scheduled, and we also aimsustainable world but are unsure how to involve to involve our advisors. To achieve maximumtheir office in the sustainability transition. The impact, it is crucial to engage your employees,sustainability platform Stichting INSVER, founded management, customers, and other stakeholdersby Kees Dullemond and Kees van Steensel, extensively in the implementation of your CSRprovides a good answer to this. As a board policy. And I can say that corporate socialmember of INSVER, I know what INSVER can responsibility is an ongoing process. It is aoffer to intermediaries. INSVER has developed continuous, but above all, a learning process thatseveral practical tools that insurance agencies requires contributions from everyone.' can use to engage with sustainability. For instance, there is a carbon footprint calculator DO NO HARM AND DO GOODspecifically designed for the insurance industry, Bakker continues: 'With the growing attention toallowing companies to calculate their ecological climate change, sustainable product developmentimpact. Additionally, training programs have been is a crucial pillar for us. With every product wedeveloped, and there is a wealth of inspiring develop, we specifically assess how it contributesdocumentation available. Since intermediaries to sustainability. Despite it being a relativelyoperate at the heart of society, the societal unexplored field, there is much we can do.function of sustainable financial advice is Sustainable damage repair is an integral partsignificant. Finally, companies, including insurance of our product line 'Ansvar Bewust' (Consciousagencies, that explicitly incorporate corporate Ansvar). If the repair costs exceed the marketsocial responsibility (CSR) into their organization value, the product is not declared a total loss fromare generally less risky and have a higher business an economic perspective. With Ansvar Bewust,value,' says Bakker.we allow repairs that cost up to 15 percent more than the market value. Our vision is that repairing damages is more sustainable and often more preferable for customers than disposing of something and having to purchase something new.'We have also included in our liability Additionally, our liability insurance coversinsurance that you are covered while voluntary work, and we provide reimbursementdoing voluntary work, and we provide for psychological counseling in case of traumatic experiences such as a fire. In our productcompensation for psychological development, we also question our role withincounselling in case of a traumatic the ecosystem. Sustainable innovation is mostexperience, such as a firesuccessful when done in collaboration with others in the value chain. As the market leader in insuring electric cars, for example, we have partnered with the Fair Cobalt Alliance (FCA) to contribute to sustainable mining by promoting fairer and more socially responsible working BHB DULLEMOND"