b"SEQUEL NIELS VERMOLENNEW COMPLEX RISKS INFLUENCING THE RISKto them or crucial for the continuation of their LANDSCAPE business operations. That's why providing sound Vermolen: 'Kaufman is currently a leader inadvice and delivering customized solutions is providing specialized risk coverage solutions. Asessential for the customers we serve throughout more business was conducted in Europe, Kaufmanthe entire Kaufman Group.' began its international expansion ten years ago by acquiring the Chesterfield Group in theTHE EVOLVING ROLE OF THE GLOBAL United Kingdom and Canada. With the openingINSURANCE SECTORof our office in Amsterdam, we aim to betterKaufman is an accredited insurance agent of serve the European market. Vermolen continues:Lloyd's of London, one of the oldest specialized 'Developments such as the war in Ukraine, climateinsurance platforms in the world. The London-transition, cybercrime, and energy uncertaintybased company, with a history of over 300 years, bring new and complex risks that influence theis known for its cross-border insurance and large risk landscape. Companies like Kaufman play aninsured amounts. Since the early days of trading important societal role by insuring these new andmaritime risks, Lloyd's has evolved into a market evolving risks. Despite the increasing number offor all imaginable types of insurance. A recent foreign players entering the Dutch market, thereand remarkable example is the grain transports is still a need for a good understanding of localinsured via Lloyd's from Ukraine. Over a third conditions and the associated specific Dutchof the insurance deals concluded at Lloyd's are risks. That's why we, at Kaufman Europe, alwaysreinsurance contracts. Vermolen: 'The current work through local intermediaries so that we caneconomic and political changes highlight the serve the end customer optimally together. Ourimportant role of the global insurance sector. role is to provide capacity.' In the current landscape, a stable insurance partner like the family business Kaufman is more CUSTOMER-CENTRICITY IS MORE IMPORTANTimportant than ever.'THAN EVER DUE TO TECHNOLOGYVermolen: 'With over 2,000 employees, Kaufman Group is a large global organization, yet it is noticeable that it is run as a family business. They are close to the customer and have a strong focus on developing long-term relationships. These are essential qualities in a market that has rapidly changed in recent years. Technological advancements have created a growing need for customer-centricity. Compared to ten years ago, customers today have many more choices when it comes to finding the right insurance. Our customers insure things that are important 70 BHB DULLEMOND"