b"INTERVIEW TIM KRET | PARTNER NEDVESTSkin in the game: without it, there is insufficientactive shareholding'SKIN IN THE GAME private equity in companies to continue growing Kret: 'As Nedvest, we invest in companies thatin the coming years. Companies need capital have already found their place in the world. Ourand are compelled to operate efficiently. In both ambition is to take a company a few steps furthercases, private equity plays a role. Additionally, from a stable foundation. Despite our office beingprivate equity has demonstrated that companies located in Amsterdam, we are not your typicalin which they invest experience higher growth, are Zuidas office. Our approach is down to earth, andmore innovative, and achieve better returns on we believe in rolling up our sleeves to get thingsinvested capital than other companies.' done. We are not a private equity firm that makes decisions solely based on an Excel spreadsheetLEAN MANUFACTURING AS AN EXAMPLE FOR and does not bear the consequences when thingsTHE INSURANCE MARKETgo wrong. Unlike other private equity firms, the'One of the fourteen companies we currently majority of our investment capital comes frominvest in is a manufacturer of sub-sills. In our own money. Everyone on the Nedvest teamcomparison to the insurance market, production invests their own funds alongside the firm. Wecompanies have a significant focus on efficiency. believe that having 'skin in the game' is essentialDue to slim margins, every step must be executed in our work. We stand by the entrepreneur'sflawlessly and smoothly coordinated. There should side, and together we bear the risks that comebe no waste, such as waiting times or intermediate with it. If things go wrong, we also suffer theand final inventories. Within the administrative consequences. processes of insurance companies, we often see work being redone or going back and forth MORE THAN CAPITAL because it's not yet complete. Additionally, piled-Kret continues: 'As a family office, we provideup files, like unfinished products, are much less more than just capital. We aim to help companiesvisible within financial services. There is still much grow through our expertise, experience, androom for improvement in the insurance market,' network. Nedvest has developed a preference forsays Kret.companies where digitization is a key theme and where growth through acquisitions is necessary. This is an important added value that we can offer businesses. We also bring financial discipline to the table. To take effective steps, the financial housekeeping must be in order. Collaborating with a party like Nedvest should be seen as a long-term project. It's not about short-term gains; together, we create a plan for where we want to be, for example, in five years. I expect the role of ANANNINVIEVRESRASRAYR EYD EIDTIOTINON"