b"INTERVIEW KATINKA SLEGT | OUD-EIGENAAR SLEGT VERZEKERINGENIn November 2020, Katinka Slegt sold Slegt Verzekeringen, the family business started by her father, to KLAP. Now, more than two years later, we ask her to reflect on the period after the sale. Together with Slegt, we delve into topics such as the heritage of the family business and female entrepreneurship within the insurance market.HERITAGEKatinka Slegt: 'A few years ago, Pim Anderegg,Fidonna, a network organization of women with then working at a.s.r. Nederland, advised me todiverse financial expertise (notaries, lawyers, arrange a meeting with Edwin Bosma. Due towealth planners, financial advisors, etc.). Fidonna the consolidation, increasingly complex laws andaims to raise awareness among women about regulations, and constantly changing bindingthe importance of having their financial affairs in authority guidelines, our company was forcedorder and, if necessary, we provide assistance.'to reflect on our strategy. Together with BHB Dullemond, we then assessed various scenarios.AMBASSADOR FOR INNOVATIONDespite having owned the company for a long'This year, I am starting as the first ambassador period, I involved my father in the process at anof the INSVER Foundation. It is a platform early stage. The heritage that comes with a familyorganization established by Kees Dullemond, business required extra care in this situation. Iwith the goal of accelerating sustainability within kept the family, including my spouse with whomthe insurance market. I see great potential in I was working at the time, well-informed duringthis area. For example, when it comes to social this period. Therefore, my family understoodsustainability, the insurance market is currently that selling the family business was ultimatelypredominantly governed by men. There are still the best choice, and emotion never prevailed.too few women who engage in independent At present, I am personally assisting a familyentrepreneurship within this industry, using their business in transitioning to the next generation.own resources. This is a missed opportunity. Based on my experience, when making suchWomen approach business in a different way than important decisions, it is wise to seek advice frommen but are certainly not less entrepreneurial. a consultant. Someone who has an objectiveLong-term vision and teamwork are often of perspective and helps you focus on the facts,greater importance to female entrepreneurs. allowing you to make the best decision in theTherefore, promoting female entrepreneurship interest of the company.' within the insurance market can bring about welcome innovation,' says Slegt.ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2.0'After selling my company, I took ample time to ensure a smooth transition. My team and clients are in good hands within the KLAP organization, which is why I can let go of the company with peace of mind after two years. Currently, I am engaged in conversations with various enterprises and exploring different ideas. It's exciting to realize that entrepreneurship doesn't end after selling your business; instead, it opens up opportunities for new ventures. For instance, I have joined ANNIVERSARY EDITION 59"