b'opportunities within a company. InsuranceDIFFERENCE BETWEEN VALUE AND PRICEagencies that enable the inclusion of sustainable\'In our profession, it is important to distinguish business models (such as solar panels, recycling)between concepts of value and price. in insurance coverage have a greater chance ofAfter all, price is determined through negotiations growth. The same applies to financial advisorsbetween the buyer and seller and is influenced by who have already incorporated sustainability andfactors such as strategic advantages, the number impact into their risks and premiums. Moreover,of interested buyers, emotions, momentum, etc. influenced by changing laws and regulations,Ultimately, the value of a company is different for it is conceivable that insurers or cooperationeveryone (just like every situation is), and that is agreements will impose requirements thatwhat ultimately determines the selling price. "As intermediary firms must meet. Advisors who area seller, it is extremely helpful to see the value of capable of adapting towards a sustainable futureyour company through the buyer\'s perspective,\' will outperform those who do not. In certainsays Kloppenburg.sectors, companies with a clear ESG approach are even more appealing to buyers such as private equity parties.\' ANNIVERSARY EDITION 45'