b"SEQUEL GIJSBERT VAN DE NIEUWEGIESSENADDING SOLID OFFICES TO MAINTAIN QUALITY DOMINANT POSITION WITHIN THE Van de Nieuwegiessen: 'An important foundationDISTRIBUTION CHAINof the company was laid in 2013 when, throughVan de Nieuwegiessen continues: 'Contrary to BHB Dullemond, I acquired Klooster and Vanexpectations at the time, I started this company Kessel Verzekeringen in Culemborg. Since then,because I believed in the strength of advisory our ambition has been to establish a goodfirms in the insurance market. Following the long-advisory-oriented SME organization with strongestablished, highly regarded position of brokers HR and IT compliance, purchasing power thatin the international insurance market, the Dutch allows us to place our risks effectively, and aintermediary has successfully assumed the right lean primary process with efficient workflows.role. Due to the relationship we have built with To achieve an organization capable of providingour clients, we can best assess the risk for our high-quality advice, a certain company sizeinsurers and, in 2023, we are the orchestrators is necessary. As we operate in a market ofin premium allocation. With a premium volume displacement, autonomous growth is only limitedlyof 600 million and our above-average claims possible. We regularly acquire reputable advisory- results, we are a preferred partner for insurers.'oriented insurance agencies. It is important to us that these are solid offices, as this allows us to maintain our quality and management at a high level.'34 BHB DULLEMOND"