b'Foreword EDWIN BOSMA | BHB DULLEMONDLeading for 25 years, because a sustainable deal offers a future!25 years BHB Dullemond! A milestone we are proud of and one we gladly celebrate. We do so together with colleagues, clients, and other relationships in the anniversary magazine before you. Celebrating our anniversary is the perfect moment for us to express gratitude. It\'s the moment to show our appreciation to everyone who has contributed to the company and ensured our growth and prosperity all these years. Our clients who trust us to do business together. Our employees who do meaningful work every day.Since 1998, we have been active as an M&A firmIn recent years, as an M&A firm, we have in several industries. With 25 years of knowledgeexperienced significant growth in revenue and and experience in our markets, we have becometeam size, and our ambition to continue growing a respected name in the insurance market, realpersists. An important part of building the future estate advisory market, and, in recent years, alsois recognizing where you come from. Who and among accounting firms and in the occupationalwhich steps have brought you to where you health services market. We are convinced that astand now, and how can you put the current deep understanding of these markets allows us tocircumstances into perspective by contextualizing provide our clients with better deals focused onthem with the past? In summary, reflecting on the sustainable results. past gives you direction for the future. That is why this magazine features former owners, employees, We see ourselves as a "new generation" companyclients, and important relationships within our in the world of mergers and acquisitions. Wenetwork in the insurance market. They provide believe that the success of organizations is notinsight, are critical, uncover challenges, reflect on solely defined by profit. In our view, sustainablethe past, and look ahead.success is intertwined with adding human value. In everything we do, we strive to add human valueThanks to our employees, clients, and by going beyond the financial aspect, consideringrelationships, we have been leading for 25 years. a wide range of interests, and building bridgesHere\'s to the next 25 years of sustainable deals!where possible. An approach that does justice to all stakeholders of the selling and acquiringEdwin Bosma, parties not only leads to a better selling price orManaging partner investment but also provides the opportunity for the acquired company to further develop in the future.ANNIVERSARY EDITION 07'